Warts in Mouth, Around Mouth, Causes, Symptoms and How to Get Rid of Mouth Warts

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Warts are caused by human papillomavirus infection (HPV).  They can occur anywhere on the body, in different shapes and sizes. Although warts in the mouth aren’t dangerous, they are ugly, potentially embarrassing, and contagious. Here are major symptoms associated with this condition, treatment, and natural home remedies you can use to get rid of warts.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in home remedies warts in the mouth? If so, we highly recommend checking 100% Pure and Natural Tea Tree Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

What causes mouth warts?

The following is an insight into how you can get warts in mouth, and the common signs that could prove that you are infected;

What causes mouth warts
warts inside mouth


Warts in the mouth are a member of the STD family. This is because they usually come from the genital region warts. These warts are generally rare but happen as a result of mouth infection caused by the human papillomavirus, the virus that also causes genital warts. They may also appear in the throat area, which can be more challenging to look into and diagnose at the same time. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Most sexually active people will contract HPV at some point in their lifetime. More than 100 types of HPV exist.

Warts vary in types, and the common type that affects the mouth is filiform warts. These warts grow around your mouth or nose and sometimes on your neck or under your chin. They are small and shaped like a tiny flap or tag skin. These bumps are the same color as your skin. These warts are known to respond easily to treatment, and you can easily get rid of these by following a few simple methods.

You should be keen on the signs and symptoms of filiform warts;

  • Filiform wart appears in the facial area, hence the term facial warts. The most common spots for warts are eyelids, lip area, and around the nose. This wart can also be spotted in the neck area.
  • Though most warts are dark in color, facial warts will seamlessly match the completion of the facial skin.
  • Itching is also a common symptom of filiform warts- the skin around the wart will itch violently. This happens as the infection slowly gains ground and starts spreading gradually.
  • Bleeding- this commonly happens when warts become severe. As the infection spreads, the skin loses its power to heal and starts to break, as this happens, bleeding starts making the situation worse for the person

The risk factors of mouth warts include;

  • Oral sex activity- this condition can easily affect you if you have multiple sexual partners
  • Smoking is a risk factor; this is because it makes you vulnerable to tears and cuts in the mouth


From the look of the following pictures, you will be able to see how warts in the mouth look like, both in early stages and severe cases.

warts inside mouth
warts inside mouth
warts inside mouth
warts inside mouth


  • White warts
  • An ulcer or sore that does not heal within 2 to 3 weeks
  • A swelling or lump in the mouth
  • A swollen but painless tonsil
  • Difficult or painful swallowing- a feeling that things that are sticking in the throat when swallowing
  • Most of the time, the mouth feels sore as warts start to develop, most particularly if they get irritated by substances, such as food, accidental biting, or even the tongue.

Warts inside mouth

While human papillomavirus (HPV) is most notable for its involvement in genital warts and cervical cancer, it should be understood that this virus is commonly found in the oral cavity as well. Several studies have demonstrated a connection between HPV and oral cancer. Oral benign HPV lesions are mostly asymptomatic and persist or relapse spontaneously. No test is available to determine if you have HPV Of the mouth, but the doctor may discover lesions through cancer screening. The common HPV-associated lesions found in the mouth include;

warts inside mouth
warts inside mouth

Squamous papilloma

It is the most common benign epithelial neoplasm of oral epithelium. These lesions may be found anywhere in the mouth with a predilection for ventral tongue and frenum area, palate, and mucosal surface of the lips. These oral papillomas can be recognized by their small fingerlike projections, resulting in an exophytic lesion with a rough or cauliflower-like verrucous surface.

These lesions may have a white appearance and can occur in any age group. They are thought to be induced by HPV 6 or 11.

The typical treatment for this condition is surgical excision- this is because all lesions resembling a squamous papilloma are recommended for excision at the base to the depth of the submucosa. Removal should also be considered a cure.

Verruca Vulgaris

Also known as the common wart, verruca Vulgaris is the most prevalent HPV skin lesion, but it can also be found in the oral cavity. This lesion is usually associated with HPV 2 and 4. In the mouth, Verruca Vulgaris is found most commonly on the keratinized surfaces of the gingiva and palate.

Such lesions are contagious, and it is thought that some lesions occur the following autoinoculation. They are typically found in children but can be seen in any age group. They often rapidly enlarge and then remain stable for several years. The treatment of this condition is similar to that of squamous papilloma, surgical excision.


Normally, condyloma acuminatum lesions are found in the genital area and are considered a sexually transmitted disease. Condylomas arise through oral sex as well as by autoinoculation or as a result of maternal transmission. Most often, condylomas in the oral cavity are related to oral-genital contact.

Treatment for mouth warts

Although warts usually go away without treatment, they are ugly and uncomfortable, and you may want to have them treated fast. Most warts respond well to treatments available at the drugstore.

Freezing treatments

These over-the-counter treatments spray concentrated cold air (a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane) onto your wart. This kills the skin and allows you to scrape away the surface of the wart. These treatments are a good choice if you want to try to remove a wart quickly, but aren’t strong enough to clear all warts

Cryotherapy- try liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. It may cause discomfort, and can a few treatments to completely remove a wart, but can be very effective. If it’s not, then the wart will usually come back bigger with bigger blood vessels and be almost impossible to remove.

Alternatively, obtain over-the-counter from drug stores to zap warts. If this can help freeze warts, keep the following tips in mind;

  • Follow the direction on the wart removal package- your skin will turn from white to red in a matter of minutes, and a blister should begin to form underneath the wart.
  • Small black dots should appear beneath the wart after a few days. This is a sign that the treatment is working. Resist the urge to pull the wart off.
  • The wart should fall off on its own. If it doesn’t, you should repeat the treatment after two weeks. Do not treat a wart that recurs for more than three times, consult a doctor.

Use salicylic acid

This acid is the ingredient of most of the over-the-counter warts removers, including Compound W and Occlusal. Its effectiveness varies, and it can take weeks for it to work.

  • Soak the skin in water for 5 minutes or longer
  • Apply the acid liberally using a brush and leave it to dry
  • Leave it for a day and then peel or file it off along with the remaining dead skin.
  • Do this at intervals of 2 or 3 days.

Use duct tape

Some people have had success treating warts with duct tape. The process involves covering the wart with a small piece of duct tape for several days, then soaking the wart. You should finally rub the wart to remove the dead skin. This approach can take several rounds of treatment to work.

Apply cantharidin

Your doctor may recommend this chemical as a faster way of burning away the wart. If there is pain involved, you may notice results in just a day

  • The doctor applies cantharidin directly on warts and then applies a bandage.
  • The next day, the bandage is taken off, and the dead skin is removed.
  • If the treatment doesn’t work, your doctor will recommend aa different procedure.
  • The only disadvantage with this remedy is the cost; it can be really expensive.


This procedure is usually only considered if warts haven’t responded to other treatments. You will need to receive a shot of anesthetic first, and these shots can be painful.

  • Electrosurgery and a curettage-Your doctor may burn your wart with an electrical current and then cut it out afterward. Warts may still return because the blood vessels are still intact.
  • Laser surgery- this is where the doctor burns the wart with an intense beam of light.

Burn the wart off

When the other methods fail, burning the wart may be the ultimate requirement. There will be some pain involved, and burning can lead to scarring. That is why it should be handled by a professional or doctor.

  • Your doctor can use a laser to burn the wart away. This is sometimes effective, but best recommended after other methods have failed.
  • You can try it at home. Light a match, blow it out, and while the match head is still hot, touch it to the wart. This causes blistering that initiates a healing response. Peel the layer of infected skin off, and cover with aloe and a strip bandage. Repeat as when necessary, but be careful since it’s very dangerous.

Use liquid

This is a topical cream that is used to treat some types of warts and skin cancers by stimulating an immune response. It does not cure warts, but it may help in concert with other treatments.

How to get rid of warts in the mouth

Warts in the mouth are an unpleasant condition that could be very frustrating. The following are some common natural home remedies that you could use to get rid of this condition;

1. Use a citrus peel

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for curing warts. The following is the procedure you should follow to make this remedy more effective;

  • Cut a slice of lemon or lime peel slightly larger than the wart
  • Tape it over with an adhesive bandage or tape
  • Refresh the peel every day or so, and keep the wart covered for as long as possible
  • After about a week- you will notice an improvement or the wart may clear altogether

2. Saltwater

High salt concentrations do not allow harmful bacteria and viruses to grow or multiply.

How to apply it;

  • Soak the affected area in salt water
  • You can also apply salt water on the affected area using a piece of cloth- it helps if you have warts as a result of HPV infection.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known home remedy for both internal and external disorders.

How to apply it;

  • You can apply apple cider vinegar gently with a cotton ball on the affected area
  • Repeat this every day for a few weeks- warts clear and the infection is cured

4. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant and antibacterial properties that act as an antiseptic. It helps fight infections that cause mouth warts. The following is the procedure on how to apply this oil:

  • Take a cotton ball and soak in warm water
  • Add several drops of tea tree oil on it
  • Rub the cotton ball gently on the affected area
  • You should do this frequently before you go to sleep- this way the oil can absorb overnight

We recommend 100% Pure and Natural Tea Tree Oil by Essential Oil Labs (Check price on Amazon)

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is rich in soothing properties that help relieve itching, irritation, and pain in the mouth. This herb is well known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-itching, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. A combination of these remedies makes aloe vera an effective remedy for pain in warts in the mouth. The following is the procedure on how to apply this product on your wart:

aloe vera for treating mouth warts
aloe Vera
  • Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash it
  • Extract the gel out of it or chop it into small pieces
  • Using a clean cotton swab or finger applies the gel to the affected part.
  • For children, you can add some honey to the gel before smearing.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a day

You can also use Aloe Vera gels. A great choice would be Aloe Vera gel from organic cold-pressed aloe (Check price on Amazon)

6. Use pineapple

Apply fresh pineapple directly to the wart several times a day. This will help since this remedy contains natural acids and enzymes.

7. Garlic

Garlic contains antibacterial and antiviral properties that help kill the germs. It also has a strong anti-microbial tendency and has a substance called Allicin, which can destroy pathogens, which can be applied directly onto warts in the mouth to provide relief.

The following is the procedure you should follow:

  • Peel a clove and crush it to prepare a paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected area of your mouth
  • Rinse it off after around 30 minutes
  • Repeat this 3 to 4 times a week, and the wart will clear

8. Baking powder

Baking soda helps exfoliate the skin properly by helping get rid of excess oil and dirt on your skin. It is used alongside other home ingredients to make solutions. The following is the procedures on how to apply this remedy on your mouth:

  • Mix baking soda with castor oil to make a thick paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected area of your mouth at night
  • Cover it with a bandage and leave it for some time
  • After the paste dries, wash your mouth with warm water
  • Repeat this procedure twice every day until the wart clears.

9. Mushroom

Mushrooms such as Reishi and Shitake is the natural cure for HPV virus infection. This is because it contains antiviral qualities to kill the effects of this virus. It also provides relief to the mouth wart and boosts your immune system, which gives your body a better opportunity to fight off warts.

There are three types of mushrooms and are available as over-the-counter supplements in many natural food stores.

10. Vitamins

Vitamin E is among the best vitamins for all types of skin disorders, including warts, eczema, and acne. This oil also helps reduce itchiness and burning sensation and also prevents the human papillomavirus from growing and infecting other areas

  • Apply vitamin E oil to the affected area to speed up the healing of warts
  • You can also crush up a Vitamin C tablet, and add a little water to make a thick paste
  • Apply to the wart and cover with a bandage

Which Vitamin E do we recommend?

11. Aspirin

Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation. When applied to warts in the mouth, it helps remove the irritation and allow the infection to drain. The following is the procedure on how to prepare aspirin paste used to get rid of mouth warts:

  • Crush aspirin tablets into a fine powder
  • Add a small amount of water to it to form a fine paste
  • Using a clean cotton swab, apply that paste on the wart bumps
  • Use a clean cotton bandage to hold the paste in place
  • Leave it overnight and rinse it off in the morning
  • Repeat this procedure daily for a week. You will notice improvement, and if not, consult a doctor immediately

12. Honey

Honey contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties that make it an effective remedy for getting rid of various ailments on the skin. Its healing properties enable it to easily combat warts that appear around the mouth. The following is the procedure on how to apply honey:

  • Use a cotton ball to apply natural honey directly on the affected area
  • Leave the honey on the affected area for around 30 minutes
  • Wash the skin with warm water and pat dry
  • Repeat this procedure every day until warts clear

13. Figs

The milky juice that oozes from fig’s stem is thought to hold amazing healing properties for HPV infections. Apply the juice 2 to 3 times a day

14. Calendula

Calendula oil, also called marigold flower, acts efficiently in curing warts caused by the HPV virus. It can be consumed orally or as a suppository for curing warts in other places. Our favorite is Herbal Choice Mari Organic Calendula Oil (Check price on Amazon)

15. Turmeric

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it an effective remedy for relieving pain from the mouth warts. It also contains antiseptic and antioxidant properties that help in clearing warts. The following is how turmeric is used to clear warts in the mouth;

  • Clean the rash with sterile water or saline solution
  • Sprinkle enough turmeric powder to cover the area
  • Cover the affected area with a clean bandage
  • Repeat this procedure three times a day for faster healing

16. Onion

Onion is a versatile vegetable known to cure warts as a result of HPV infection.

  • Sprinkle some salt over the slices of onions and leave it overnight
  • Extract the juice and apply on the affected area for fast relief


  1. Natural wart removal methods: http://www.webdicine.com/10-effective-natural-wart-removal-methods.html
  2. Human papillomavirus (HPV) of the mouth: http://www.healthline.com/health/hpv-in-the-mouth#overview1
  3. Warts in mouth causes, symptoms: http://www.verruca.net/warts-in-mouth/
  4. How to get rid of warts: http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Warts

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